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IDNR Climate Action Plan

Check out IDNR’s new Climate Action Plan, a roadmap for zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The IDNR Climate Action Plan outlines strategies for reducing emissions from operations, buildings, and transportation; increasing renewable energy production; and helping Illinois natural resources be more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

About the Climate Action Plan

IDNR is committed to supporting Governor JB Pritzker’s goal to make Illinois a leader in fighting climate change. The State of Illinois has set a goal to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050. By taking action, IDNR is doing its part to reduce the impact of climate change and to protect and preserve natural resources for present and future generations.

The Illinois Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) developed the plan in 2022 in partnership with over 70 IDNR staff. We continue to work with staff and SEDAC to implement the plan.

The Climate Action Plan has 4 main goals:

1. Reach Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050. IDNR emits an estimated 38,700 MTCO2e annually, equivalent to emissions from 8,600 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year. IDNR emissions come from building energy use (72%), internal transportation and fuels for site operations (20%), solid waste (7%), and water/wastewater (1%). IDNR’s goal is to reduce emissions as much as possible through conservation and energy efficiency. Remaining emissions will be offset with renewable energy generation to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050.

2. Help Illinois natural areas become more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Illinois natural areas and resources are already being impacted negatively by climate change, and that impact is expected to grow. IDNR’s goal is to develop and nurture “climate smart” natural areas are more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

3. Ensure that IDNR’s climate actions benefit ALL Illinois residents and communities. We know that climate change and other environmental harms impact some communities more than others. IDNR seeks to address this disparity and help everyone see the benefits of IDNR’s climate actions.

4. Partner with and inspire others to take climate action. Part of IDNR’s mission is to “promote the education, science and public safety of Illinois’ natural resources for present and future generations.” This involves educating Illinois residents about the impacts of climate change on our natural resources and inspiring them to join IDNR in taking climate action so that we can preserve our natural resources for future generations.

Climate Corner

Click on the icons below to learn more about IDNR’s
climate actions and how YOU can take climate action, too.