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Certification Process

  1. Contact your Clean Marina Coordinator
  2. Sign a pledge statement
  3. Enroll in and complete the Clean Marina Classroom
  4. Marina staff perform self-evaluation using Certification Checklist
  5. Schedule a call or informal site visit to address issues/questions
  6. Marina incorporates recommended BMPs
  7. Schedule final site visit
  8. Advisory Board reviews Checklist
  9. Receive Illinois Clean Marina Certification
  10. Once approved, maintain Clean Marina status

Step 1: Contact your Clean Marina Coordinator

The Clean Marina Coordinator will provide you with all program documents and instructions and will be your contact for any questions you have along the way.

Kim Kreiling
Clean Marina Coordinator
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Coastal Management Program
160 N. LaSalle St., S-703
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-814-6260
Fax: 312-793-5968

Step 2: Sign a Pledge Statement

Send or fax the signed pledge to the Illinois Clean Marina Coordinator. The current coordinator is listed in Step 1.

Display a copy of the pledge in a public area so that your customers will be aware of your commitment to the environment. The Illinois Clean Marina Program will include your marina or boatyard’s name on our list of pledged facilities, both in public displays and online.

Step 3: Enroll in and complete the Clean Marina Classroom

This training tool will help you and your staff chose the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for your marina. The tool was developed by the Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio Clean Marina Programs for use in the Great Lakes. Illinois specific sections have been added.

Illinois Department of Natural Resources will reimburse the $100 registration fee after your marina receives its certified clean marina status.

Step 4: Marina staff members perform self-evaluation using Certification Checklist

Conduct a self‐evaluation of your facility using the Clean Marina Program Checklist and Guidebook. Guidebook coming soon.

To achieve Clean Marina status, a marina or boatyard must implement:

  • 100% of all applicable mandatory law and regulation BMPs (denoted by “M” on the checklist)
  • 100% of all applicable program‐required BMPs (denoted by “P”)
  • A minimum of 50% of applicable program‐recommended BMPs (denoted by “R”)

By doing so, certified marinas demonstrate that they understand and intend to comply with state and federal requirements for marina or boatyard operations. In the event that it is not feasible to implement a particular program‐required BMP, you may earn credit to meet the certification criteria by noting additional practices you employ that are listed in the program guidebook.

Step 5: Schedule a call or informal site visit to address issues/questions

IDNR and the Clean Marina Program are available to address any issues or concerns that may arise during the self-evaluation process.

Do not be discouraged if you have difficulty meeting the minimum score on the self-evaluation checklist. We want you to become an Illinois Clean Marina and can help you identify ways to achieve the minimum standards. Please contact the Illinois Clean Marina Coordinator for assistance. If the coordinator cannot answer your questions directly, he or she will put you in touch with one of the program’s technical team members to provide the information you need. In addition, we are willing to participate with you in an informal site visit and assessment of your facility to provide comments and recommendations for the implementation of appropriate BMPs for you to incorporate to reach the minimum program certification requirements.

Step 6: Marina incorporates recommended BMPs

Once you have completed the self‐evaluation, contacted the coordinator for more information (if needed), or participated in an informal site visit, incorporate the necessary BMPs in order to reach the minimum Illinois Clean Marina certification criteria, as indicated by the program checklist.

Step 7: Schedule final site visit

A site review team appointed by the Illinois Clean Marina Program will visit your facility, verify the items checked on the checklist, and make a recommendation to the advisory board for certification.

Step 8: Advisory Board reviews Checklist

For more information of the approval process, see Illinois Clean Marina Certification Process (pdf)

Step 9: Sign Clean Marina Certification Contract, receive Illinois Clean Marina Certification status

The Clean Marina Program Coordinator will send you a Certification Contract to sign once the Advisory Board has approved your marina. To receive reimbursement for the Clean Marina Classroom registration fee, submit the following documents with your signed Clean Marina Contract:

  • Marina’s W-9
  • Receipt from Clean Marina Classroom
  • Certificate of Completion from the Clean Marina Classroom

Once the contract is received, the Illinois Clean Marina Program staff will help you prepare a news release recognizing your demonstrated commitment to environmental stewardship. You will be authorized to use the Illinois clean marina logo on your letterhead and in your advertising. You will receive an Illinois clean marina certificate and a clean marina flag to fly on your property. Your marina or boatyard will also be listed in Illinois clean marina publications, on the program website and in public displays.

Step 10: Once approved, maintain Clean Marina status

Annually, the coordinator will ask you to confirm in writing that you continue to meet the designation standards described on the checklist. At least every third year, a program representative will contact you to set up a meeting to reaffirm your clean marina status. The Clean Marina Program may periodically update the BMP guidebook or checklist due to new information or changes in rules and regulations. You will be notified of program updates or changes in certification criteria. However, you are responsible for ensuring that your facility is in compliance with all current, applicable state and federal rules and regulations.