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Best Management Practices

Best Management Practices to Regulate Trapping

Illinois DNR joins other state fish and wildlife agencies to develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) for trapping in the U.S. BMPs identify and promote the best technology to capture wildlife. They address key points regarding the use and performance of traps.

These include:

  • the welfare of animals

  • the ability of traps to capture animals efficiently

  • the ability of traps to capture intended furbearers only

  • BMPs describe types of traps, how they work best, how they should be set, what training may be needed for people who trap, as well as other information that help traps and trappers function safely, humanely and efficiently.

Illinois DNR partners with other state agencies to improve trapping standards.  BMPs are recommended to state fish and wildlife agencies to include in regulated trapping programs and trapper education courses. See BMPs below.