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Hunters and Trappers Care
Hunters and trappers are some of the biggest champions of wildlife in Illinois:
- Hunters and trappers help pay for conservation of Illinois wildlife through license fees and special taxes. This money helps conserve all Illinois wildlife, not just furbearers. Hunters and trappers contribute more than $16 million every year for Illinois wildlife conservation. These contributions benefit everyone who enjoys nature.
Hunters and trappers manage wildlife through their regulated activities. Through fees and special taxes, they contribute more than $16 million annually to Illinois conservation projects. This trapper is staking a trap in an Illinois creek.
Photo by Illinois DNR
- Hunters and trappers help biologists manage wildlife populations in settings where animals create property damage, cause habitat destruction or pose public health risks.
- Harvest information from hunters and trappers assists scientific research that helps biologists better understand and conserve wildlife.
- Trappers work hand-in-hand with wildlife biologists to safely capture rare and endangered species as part of reintroduction efforts.
- Trappers work with biologists to capture abundant wildlife species unharmed as part of scientific studies
Trappers safely help trap rare and endangered species as part of restoration efforts. Here, Illinois DNR biologists prepare to release river otters that were trapped in Louisiana.
Photo by Bob Gress
- Through membership in hunting and trapping organizations, hunters and trappers support wildlife conservation and protection of wildlife habitats.
- Hunters and trappers manage wildlife through their regulated activities. Hunting and trapping are key wildlife management tools.
- Many hunters and trappers who own land implement wildlife management programs on their property.