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Trapping Associations

This website represents the Northeast Furbearer Resources Technical Committee, a coalition of professional biologists from the northeastern U.S. and Canadian provinces, committed to the study and responsible management of furbearer species.

International Hunter Education Association
IHEAs mission is to provide leadership and establish standards to help hunters be safe, responsible and knowledgeable.

National Trappers Association
NTA promotes sound conservation, legislation and administrative procedures; supports sound environmental education programs; and promotes a continued annual fur harvest using the best tools available.

Furtakers of America - Illinois Chapters
Six Furtakers of America chapters in Illinois provide information about trapping and educational programs for trappers.

Northeast Furbearer Resources Technical Committee

This website represents the Northeast Furbearer Resources Technical Committee, a coalition of professional biologists from the northeastern U.S. and Canadian provinces, committed to the study and responsible management of furbearer species.

The Wildlife Society
The Wildlife Society is an international scientific and education organization for professionals and students engaged in wildlife research, management, education and administration.

United Kennel Club: Coonhounds
Learn more about coonhounds through UKC's official website.

Organizations: Domestic Furbearer Farming
These organizations address domestic furbearer farming, in addition to wild furbearer trapping. Domestic furbearer farming is considered an agricultural practice -- much like raising cattle, swine or chickens. Policies and regulations governing furbearer farming fall under state and federal departments of agriculture. With minor exceptions, furbearer farming is not addressed by Illinois DNR's policies and regulations. Domestic furbearers are not like their wild cousins: They are bred and raised specifically for the quality of their fur. Domestic furbearers are subspecies of their wild kin and lack skills and instincts to survive in natural habitats.

Fur Commission USA

Represents 420 mink-farming families on 330 farms in 28 states. Our volunteer board and committees work to ensure superior standards of animal husbandry through our own certification program, and to educate the public about responsible fur farming and the merits of fur.

Fur Information Council of America
FICA provides information and guidance on fur industry developments; researches market trends and consumer habits, tracks and reports sales and price points; identifies issues of common concern; and represents the fur industry in dealings with the press, the public sector, other industries, as well as state and federal governments. FICA monitors legislative initiatives and judicial actions that have direct impact on the fur industry.

Fur Institute of Canada
In 1983, the Fur Institute of Canada was established on the initiative of Canada's federal, provincial and territorial wildlife ministers to pursue the work of the Federal-Provincial Committee for Humane Trapping. The overall mission of the Fur Institute of Canada is to promote the sustainable and wise use of Canada's fur resources.