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Educational Resources

Illinois Moths and Butterflies

Podcasts and Pollinator Videos

Habitat Helpers!
Monarch Danaus plexippus on prairie dock Silphium terebinthinaceum
Monarchs Danaus plexippus on purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea
Monarch Mania! Life Cycle
Monarch Mania! Monarchs and Milkweeds
Monarch Mania! Monarch Facts
Monarch Mania! An International Migrant
Monarch Mania! Monarchs at Risk
Monarch Mania! Helping Monarchs
Monarch Mania! Schools and Monarchs
Monarch Mania! Invasive Species and Monarchs
Monarch Mania! Value of Monarchs and Other Pollinators
Tiger Swallowtail
What Am I? Insect I
What Am I? Insect II
What Am I? Insect III

Activity Books

Creatures of the Night (English and Spanish)

Activity book has coloring pages which contain information and activities about nocturnal species. Targeted Grades: K-6. Permission to photocopy these pages is granted for use with students in the classroom.

Illinois' State Symbols (English and Spanish)

Activity book contains coloring pages and facts about the state symbols. Targeted Grades: K-6. Permission to photocopy these pages is granted for use with students in the classroom.

Wings, Stings and Leggy Things (English and Spanish)

Activity book containing information about insects with illustrations to color. Targeted Grades: K-8. Permission to photocopy these pages is granted for use with students in the classroom.