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Schoolyard Habitat Action Grant Projects

Midwest Central High School, Manito

Students constructed a butterfly garden.

Montessori School of Lemont, Lemont - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students developed a butterfly garden.

Murphysboro Middle School, Murphysboro - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students planted a native prairie and pollinator garden.

New Central Grade School, Havana

​Enhancing an established prairie garden was the goal of this project.

North Clay High School, Louisville - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students of grades 11 and 12 built a bird and butterfly garden.

Orland Junior High School, Orland Park - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students planted a butterfly garden.

Oswego East High School, Oswego - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

The students worked on a restoration project for a prairie and a wetland on the school grounds.

Pathway Connections Childcare Center, Lisle - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students planted a butterfly garden.

Proesser Career Academy, Chicago

Students built and installed wood duck nesting boxes at a local park
district site and in a second project planted a prairie plot at the school.

Riverview Grade School, East Peoria - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

A butterfly garden was developed by students of grades prekindergarten through eight.

St. John the Baptist School, Smithton - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students of grades kindergarten through eight constructed an outdoor garden classroom.

Sugar Grove Nature Center, McLean

A monarch waystation garden was established by students of grades kindergarten through 12.

Sullivan Elementary School, Sullivan

An existing prairie habitat was enhanced with new
plantings by students in grades kindergarten through five.

Taylor Ridge Elementary School, Taylor Ridge

Students in grade three planted native trees, shrubs
and grasses to enhance the outdoor learning center.

Thomas Middle School, Arlington Heights - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students of grades six through eight planted a butterfly garden.

Traughber Junior High School, Oswego

Students cleared the site and planted a native prairie plot.

​A native trees section was added to the outdoor study area by students of grades six through eight.

Washington Middle School, Springfield

This garden was established in 2004. These views are from 2011.

Wee Folks Child Care, Decatur

This butterfly garden was established in 2010 (first image). The second image is from 2011.

Wethersfield CUSD 230, Kewanee

​Students constructed a butterfly garden for a shaded area.

Whittier Elementary School, Wheaton - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students of grades kindergarten through five installed a pollinator garden.

William Butler School, Lockport - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

​Students installed a butterfly garden/prairie plot.

William E. Young School, Homer Glen - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students planted a butterfly garden.

Effingham High School, Effingham - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

​Students developed a bird and butterfly garden.

Fairview Elementary School, Springfield - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students of grades kindergarten through five constructed a butterfly garden.

Glenwood Elementary School, Chatham

Students installed a rain garden.

Harlem Middle School, Loves Park

The students developed a rain garden in the school courtyard.

Harper Elementary School, Wilmette

​A prairie habitat garden was designed, planted and nurtured by students in grades kindergarten through three.

Heartland Community College Early Childhood Program, Normal

Students planted a butterfly garden.

Henson Robinson Zoo, Springfield

This pollinator garden was established in 2011.

Hillsboro Clovers 4-H Club

Students from grades one through high school worked to develop a butterfly garden with
native plants. They use the site for studying and photographing butterflies and flowers.

Holy Family Catholic Academy, Inverness - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students developed a rain garden and planted a prairie garden.

Illinois School for the Visually Impaired, Jacksonville

Students planted trees to increase bird habitat on the school grounds.

Journeys School, Jerseyville

Students planted a garden to attract hummingbirds.

Le Roy Elementary School, Le Roy - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Scouts planted a butterfly garden.

Lewistown Central School, Lewistown

Students of grades four through eight constructed an outdoor classroom.

Lincoln College, Lincoln

Students in grades kindergarten through college assisted in the development of a demonstration pond for wetland education.

Students of grades kindergarten through 12 planted a butterfly garden.

Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210, Frankfort

​High school students planted native forbs along an informational prairie trail at the school.

Maine East High School, Park Ridge - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students worked on a restoration project for an existing oak savanna area.

Malone's Early Learning Center, Carterville - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Prekindergarten students helped to create an outdoor learning center.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Elementary School, Urbana - USEPA Environmental Education Grant Funds

Students of grades kindergarten through five installed native plants in the courtyard.

Martinsville Elementary School, Martinsville

Development of an outdoor classroom was the goal of
this project that will be used by all grades at the school.