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Resources Trunks and Field Pack Reporting System

Thank you for hosting resources trunks and/or field packs from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for loan! Your efforts help to make this program possible for thousands of students and educators throughout the state. The data that you collect from loans is analyzed and helps us to determine how to improve this program. We are also required to submit annually the total number of people that we reach with the trunks and field packs. Thank you for taking the time to record this information!

* indicates required field

Please enter the full name of the person submitting this report.

Email Address

What is the name of your lending location?

Please select the timeframe you are reporting.

Was a resources trunk or field pack borrowed from your lending location during the period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024?

Which item was borrowed?

How many days was the resources trunk or field pack borrowed for this loan?

Who borrowed the resources trunk or field pack? If not on list please specify person below.

How many students used the resources trunk or field pack? Please only enter a number. If you have questions about entering the information, contact

How many adults used the resources trunk or field pack? Please only enter a number. If you have questions about entering the information, contact