upland chorus frog
upland chorus frog (Pseudacris feriarum)
Photo © Dr. Paul Sattler, Liberty University
Features and Behaviors
The upland chorus frog averages three-fourths to one and one-half inches in length. Its body color is green-gray to light brown or tan. A dark stripe is present from the snout to the groin, passing through the eye. Three, long, dark stripes are often present along the back. Each stripe may be broken into spots. The upper lip is outlined with a narrow, white band. A small, adhesive pad is present at the tip of each toe. Toes are not webbed. A triangular-shaped marking between the eyes is often present.
The upland chorus frog may be found in the southern tip of Illinois. This small frog lives in floodplains and moist woodlands. Breeding occurs from late February through May in nearly any standing water. The male’s call is “crreek” or “prreep” which can be imitated by running a finger across the teeth of a comb. The female deposits about 100 eggs in clusters that are attached to objects in the water. Hatching occurs in a few days, and tadpoles transform in May and June. The upland chorus frog eats small arthropods (spiders, insects, mites and others).
Illinois Range
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Hylidae