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fawn darner

fawn darner (Boyeria vinosa) [male]
Photo © Mary Kay Rubey

Features and Behaviors

The male and female of this species are similar in coloration, but the female's eyes are dark brown while the male's eyes are dark brown with blue or blue-green shading. The thorax is brown with two, yellow or white spots on each side. The abdomen is brown with small yellow markings. The wings are brown. The female's abdomen is thicker than that of the male. The total body length is about two and one-third to two and three-fourths inches.

Fawn darners fly in clearings and over water to feed. They fly close to the water and may be active from dawn to sunset. They rest in shaded areas on vegetation, structures or rock formations. Eggs are placed in wet wood in or at the surface of the water body. Adults can be found from June through October. Adults catch insects in flight and may eat their prey in flight. Nymphs eat insects and a variety of other small animals.

Illinois Range


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Family: Aeshnidae

Illinois Status: common, native