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Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Illinois Federal Projects

Program Highlights

On Monday, November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the historic Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA) into law, allocating more than $1 trillion in federal funds toward infrastructure projects across the United States. This legislation is intended to address significant infrastructure gaps in the country, and to bolster the nation’s economic growth and job creation by investing in critical infrastructure programs.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has been awarded an initial grant of $25 million from the IIJA, with the potential for an additional $36 million from the formula grant.  This considerable amount of financial support will be dedicated specifically to plugging abandoned and orphaned (AO) oil and gas wells in Illinois. This funding, spread over the course of the next 5 years, will significantly increase the number of wells that can be safely closed, providing economic and environmental benefits to the state.

IDNR is committed to maximizing the benefits of the IIJA funding by targeting the over 4,000 known AO wells across Illinois. With increased funding, the state can ramp up plugging activities. This action will not only provide a safe and secure environment for the public and ecosystem but also create jobs and spur economic activity across the state.

Overall, the IIJA funding provides Illinois with a unique opportunity for environmental protection, economic development, and public health and safety improvements. The IDNR is poised and well-prepared to use these funds effectively and make a meaningful difference for Illinois. 
