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Mermet Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area is an old cypress southern Illinois swamp managed as one of the state’s most outstanding waterfowl hunting locales. While Mermet Lake was developed primarily for duck hunting, Canada, blue and snow geese frequent the area each winter.

The shallow lake also is a very productive fishing lake, featuring largemouth bass, channel catfish and most panfish (the lake is closed to fishing in November prior to waterfowl hunting seasons, reopening in January after hunting seasons conclude).

While Mermet Lake is a popular hunting and fishing destination, there are also hiking trails and picnic tables for site visitors. Mermet Lake is also home to the Illinois Pro/Am National Archery Tournament in late June, one of the largest archery tournaments in the country.

The original acreage of what is now Mermet Lake SFWA was acquired by the State of Illinois in 1949 – and now totals 2,630 acres, including 690 acres of water.

The site is located on U.S. Rt. 45 northwest of Metropolis in Massac Co.






Park Information:

Southern Illinois

1812 Grinnell Road






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