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All outdoor pavilions, trails, and playgrounds are open for use. Outdoor pavilions are first come first serve throughout the off season October 16th through April 15th (annually). Outdoor pavilions open for reservations on April 16th (annually), and remain available for reservation until October 15th each year. Currently outdoor pavilions have returned to previous capacity levels (100 based on parking availability), the site will continually update capacity parameters as notified by IDPH.   All flush restrooms are currently open for the season and will remain so until first frost. The vault toilet near Long Creek remains open year-round. The indoor pavilion (Ida B. Spitler) is open for reservations April 1st through October 31st (annually), and the current capacity has returned to 80 Occupants. The site will update the status of the indoor/outdoor pavilion capacities based on Regional COVID-19 parameters as provided by IDPH.  Reservations can be made at ExploreMoreIL™

Spitler Woods State Natural Area, a 200-acre site in Mt. Zion in Macon County, is home to one of the largest acreages of old growth woods in central Illinois.  Much of the site is dedicated as Spitler Woods Nature Preserve, providing additional protection for the site's valuable natural features. 

Spitler Woods mesic upland forest includes red oak, sugar maple, black walnut and basswood on the hillsides and slopes. Dry mesic forest containing white oak, red oak and shagbark hickory is present on the higher elevations. Wet-mesic floodplain forest containing sycamore, hackberry and Ohio buckeye is present along the creek which flows through the nature preserve. The site has a spectacular display of spring wildflowers, including false rue anemone, wild geranium, trillium, spring beauty and mayapple.

Spitler Woods provides outstanding habitat for songbirds, with birders spotting yellow-billed cuckoo, gray catbird, eastern wood pewee and red-bellied woodpecker.

Picnic area shelters at Spitler Woods can be reserved online at ExploreMoreIL™.​​​​​​






Park Information:

East Central Illinois

705 Spitler Park Drive

Mt. Zion





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