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Chronic Wasting Disease Management

Chronic wasting disease, or CWD, is a fatal disease of the central nervous system in deer and elk.

Since the first case of Chronic Wasting Disease was discovered in Illinois, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources started a "targeted surveillance program" for CWD in wild deer which was first proposed by the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, a diagnostic and research service which investigates wildlife diseases.

This site provides consolidated CWD information including: CWD statistics that show the Total Cases per Year and Total Cases per Year per County, FAQ's, a query system for samples taken, test results for hunters, annual reports, and other CWD resources.

Below is an interactive map that contains all of the township sections where positive CWD samples were found. Click on the red box to see what years positive samples were reported for the section.

CWD Annual Reports

CWD Quick Links


Below is a series of videos:

  1. Part 1-Introduction,
  2. Part 2-Testing CWD Samples,
  3. Part 3-Sharpshooting,
  4. Part 4-Common Questions, Research and Safe Handling of Deer.

Note: Click on the title "Illinois Chronic Wasting Disease Management" (top strip) for viewing