Project T-105-R1
Project Title: Assessing the Impact of Invasive Woody Plant Species on Shrubland Birds in Greatest Need of Conservation
Community and/or Species Focus: Yellow-breasted chat, Bell's vireo, Field sparrow
- Identify site-level characteristics influencing the establishment and abundance of invasive woody plants
- Determine the influence invasive woody plant abundance has on the shrubland bird community
- Assess the impacts of invasive woody plant abundance on the physiological condition of SGCN
- Data on where and how shrubland habitats can be managed
- Determination of which invasive species are the most detrimental and should receive the most attention
- Identification of areas most threatened by invasive species encroachment
Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a
Project Period: 1/1/16 - 6/30/19
Principle Investigator(s): Kirk Stodola, David Zaya, Loren Merrill, T.J. Benson (Illinois Natural History Survey)
Final Report: T-105-R1