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Project T-02-P1

Project Title: Development and Expansion of the Natural Resource Data and Information Systems in Support of the Illinois Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plan

Community and/or Species Focus: n/a


  1. Information on distribution and abundance of wildlife that are indicative of Illinois' diversity and health
  2. Information on the locations, habitat conditions, and community types essential to conservation of species
  3. Identify problems affecting species and factors assistive to restoration
  4. Propose conservation actions for species and habitats
  5. Propose plans for monitoring species and adapting conservation actions accordingly
  6. Describe procedures to review the CWCP
  7. Develop plans for coordinating with other agencies and organizations that manage significant land and water areas
  8. Provide public participation


  1. ​The CWCP was developed and included all the required elements as described under "Goals/Objectives"

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 2/1/03 - 9/30/06; amended in 2015

Principle Investigator(s): Jeff Walk et al. (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: T-02-P1