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Project T-87-D1

Project Title: Ecology of the Smooth Softshell in the Kaskaskia River: Implications for Managing Flows in an Altered System

Community and/or Species Focus: Smooth softshell turtle


  1. Identify critical habitats for the smooth softshell turtle
  2. Describe traits of the turtle community and population structure of smooth softshell turtles
  3. Identify behavioral responses to manipulation of water levels
  4. Identify risks to nesting and over-wintering through manipulation of water levels


  1. ​The smooth softshell is a river specialist that rarely enters smaller streams or lentic habitats. As 2nd order habitat use, both sexes established home ranges in meandering areas of the river. At 3rd order, males prefer shallow areas whereas females prefer deep pools.
  2. The Kaskaskia River supports a diverse turtle community, with the spiny softshell and Ouachita map turtle as the main competitors of the smooth softshell. Small numbers of females and juveniles at one site suggest problems with recruitment in one population; the other population was a female biased sex ratio.
  3. The smooth softshell is well adapted to dynamic river environments; movement was not significantly reduced during high flows.
  4. Current hydrological conditions do not pose a risk to smooth softshells in the Kaskaskia River, as overwintering survival was high. Unfortunately, nesting risks could not be determined due to lack of nesting observations.

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: June 2013 - April 2015

Principle Investigator(s): Mike Dreslik (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: Not available for public use