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Project T-20-P1

Project Title:  Evaluating Streams in Illinois Based on Aquatic Biodiversity

Community and/or Species Focus: Streams

  1. Determine an approach for designating stream ratings
  2. Investigate availability and adequacy of statewide data
  3. Overlay data on a stream network in GIS
  1. Identified significant streams based on various taxa and a holistic approach that combines multiple datasets
  2. All datasets were overlaid on a stream network in GIS
  3. Out​ of the 1300+ streams in the state, only 122 (9%) were deemed significant

Post-Project Survey (if applicable):   n/a

Project Period:  5/1/06 - 10/30/07

Principle Investigator(s):

 Ann Holtrop, John Epifanio (Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: T-20-P1​