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Project T-14-P1

Project Title: Evaluation and Genetic Screening of Illinois Populations of the State Threatened Redspotted Sunfish (Lepomis miniatus) to Determine Feasibility for Reintroduction Efforts

Community and/or Species Focus: Redspotted Sunfish

  1. Collect updated information on the sunfish's status and gather tissue samples
  2. Perform DNA analysis of populations
  3. Determine feasibility of reintroduction efforts in Illinois
  1. ​Sampled in previously documented Illinois locations
  2. Out-of-state individuals were also sampled for genetic testing
  3. Genetic analyses were conducted 
  4. Determined the ideal reintroduction site as Emiquon Natural Reserve because​ it is close to Fish Creek, where the genetics of the Redspotted Sunfish were the most diverse

Post-Project Survey (if applicable):


Project Period:

Ended October 2007

Principle Investigator(s):

Trent Thomas, John Epifanio, J. Tiemann (Division of Fisheries, Illinois Natural History Survey) 

Final Report: