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Project T-69-D1

Project Title: Healthy Forests, Woodlands, and Waters in the Illinois and Kaskaskia River Basins

Community and/or Species Focus:

 Illinois and Kaskaskia River watersheds

  1. Re-forest floodplains and riparian corridors of the lower Illinois River and the upper Kaskaskia River
  2. Improve quality of existing private forest land
  3. Conduct public information workshops to educate landowners and potential CREP/EQIP participants
  1. ​Created over 100 plans for tree planting that involved over 1,500 acres
  2. Created over 60 forest management plans with over 3,200 EQIP forest acres reviewed and/or certified, and over 3,100 CREP easement forest acres protected
  3. Developed 12 outreach field day events with total public attendance around 800 people

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 10/1/10 - 12/31/13

Principle Investigator(s):

 Kent Adams (The National Wild Turkey Federation)

Final Report: