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Project T-94-R1

Project Title: Identifying Regional Priority Areas for Focusing Conservation Actions in Streams and Grasslands

Community and/or Species Focus:

 Streams, Grasslands, various bird, mussel, fish, and salamander species

  1. Integrate regional species distribution models and associated data with regional geospatial databases for conservation planning and modeling
  2. Identify at least 2 regional conservation focal areas each for grasslands and streams
  3. Assess the current status of Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) in conserving grassland and stream SGCN regionally and identify where gaps exist
  1. ​Species data was collected for grassland and stream species, which were integrated with acquired environmental data, and species distribution models were developed
  2. Defined 2 regional conservation focal areas for grasslands and 4 areas for streams
  3. Defined other focal areas that overlap with existing COAs, but suggest additional areas for targeting conservation efforts

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 10/1/14 - 8/31/16

Principle Investigator(s):

 Leon Hinz, Yong Cao (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: