Project T-94-R1
Project Title: Identifying Regional Priority Areas for Focusing Conservation Actions in Streams and Grasslands
Community and/or Species Focus:
Streams, Grasslands, various bird, mussel, fish, and salamander species
- Integrate regional species distribution models and associated data with regional geospatial databases for conservation planning and modeling
- Identify at least 2 regional conservation focal areas each for grasslands and streams
- Assess the current status of Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) in conserving grassland and stream SGCN regionally and identify where gaps exist
- Species data was collected for grassland and stream species, which were integrated with acquired environmental data, and species distribution models were developed
- Defined 2 regional conservation focal areas for grasslands and 4 areas for streams
- Defined other focal areas that overlap with existing COAs, but suggest additional areas for targeting conservation efforts
Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a
Project Period: 10/1/14 - 8/31/16
Principle Investigator(s):
Leon Hinz, Yong Cao (Illinois Natural History Survey)
Final Report: