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Project T-57-D1

Project Title: Model Wildlife Action Plan Implementation​ through IBA Conservation Actions in Chicago Wilderness

Community and/or Species Focus: American Woodcock, Northern Bobwhite, Bobolink, Grasshopper Sparrow, Loggerhead Shrike, Henslow's Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Willow Flycatcher, Sedge Wren, Flicker, Yellow- and Black-billed Cuckoos

  1. Develop a plan to achieve population targets for grassland and shrubland bird species in Kane County Forest Preserve District
  2. Plant 60 acres of diverse, native tallgrass mesic prairie in a former crop field at Muirhead Springs
  1. ​Identified sites where management techniques would be beneficial and developed a prioritized list of habitat restoration activities
  2. Developed a grassland bird conservation plan designed to double populations of bird species of conservation concern
  3. Sprayed and mowed weeds in preparation for planting
  4. Planted 60 acres of diverse, native tallgrass mesic prairie

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 2009 - 2011

Principle Investigator(s): Judy Pollock (Audubon Chicago Region)

Final Report: