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Project T-37-P1

Project Title: Status Survey and Management Implications of the Harlequin Darter and Eastern Sand Darter in Southeastern Illinois

Community and/or Species Focus:

 Harlequin darter, Eastern sand darter

  1. Conduct habitat sampling to confirm species' status in Illinois
  2. Assess habitat and threats in the project area
  3. Sample for species in their historic range
  1. ​The eastern sand darter was captured at 35 out of 36 sites in the Embarras River and was abundant; 0 were captured in the Little Wabash River
  2. The harlequin darter was captured at 14 out of 314 sites in the Wabash River and was not abundant
  3. The eastern sand darter prefers habitat with low silt, good flow, and sand substrate

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: July 2007 - June 2009

Principle Investigator(s):

 Donovan Henry et al. (Three Rivers Environmental Assessments, LLC)

Final Report: