Project T-135-R1
Project Title: Informed Adaptive Management and Habitat Restoration Prioritization for the Conservation of the Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus)
Community and/or Species Focus:
Eastern Massasauga
- Identify all habitat patches on state and federally listed managed lands in a southern Illinois lake suitable for Eastern Massasauga
- Preform visual encounter surveys on at least 50% of the suitable habitat patches
- Determine the phenology and environmental factors that drive ingress and egress by monitoring individual snakes
- Prioritize and rank risk factors affecting the long persistence of at least 15 hibernacula on state and federally listed managed lands
- Provide the estimate amount and quality of suitable Eastern Massasauga habitat in southern Illinois lake
- Provide a determination if extant populations exist on protected lands outside the lake
- Determine the best explanatory variables influencing ingress and egress so managers can conduct appropriate management activities
- Prioritize at-risk hibernacula basked on extrinsic threats such as floor risk and invasive species control
Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a
Project Period: 2/1/21 - 6/30/24
Principle Investigator(s):
Michael J. Dreslik, Seth M. LaGrange, Ethan J. Kessler, Andrew C.B. Jesper (Illinois Natural History Survey), and John A. Crawford (National Great Rivers Research and Education Center)
Final Report: Project is currently underway; "Achievements" are projections of what is to be accomplished.