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Project T-52-D1

Project Title: Updating the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) for Illinois

Community and/or Species Focus:


  1. Provide a current wetlands data layer for habitat and resource modeling and management
  2. Identify potential areas for wetlands restoration activities
  3. Provide information on status and trends of wetlands
  1. ​The total number of converted NWI wetlands was over 18,000, including more than 34,500 acres, primarily due to agriculture and urbanization
  2. The highest percent of converted wetlands was open water, emergent, and forested types
  3. Created data layers that summarized the results

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 7/15/08 - 8/31/10

Principle Investigator(s):

 Ducks Unlimited

Final Report: