Contact Mines and Minerals
Ronnie Huff, Director of Mines & Minerals
Neda Banach, Assistant to the Director - 618-439-9111
Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Division
- Springfield Office - 217-782-6791
- Edwardsville Office - 618-650-3197
- Benton Office - 618-439-9111
Explosives and Aggregate Division
- Benton Office - 618-439-9111
- Springfield Office - 217-782-9976
Land Reclamation Division
- Benton Office - 618-439-9111
- Springfield Office - 217-782-4970
Mine Safety and Training Division
- Benton Office - 618-439-9111
- Springfield Office - 217-558-4925
Mine Safety and Training Locations
- Benton Mine Rescue Station - 618-439-9111
- Lively Grove Mine Rescue Station - 618-824-6677
- Sahara Woods Mine Rescue Station - 618-994-2013
- Springfield Mine Rescue Station - 217-782-4831