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Project T-86-R1

Project Title: Biological Assessment for the Danville Dam and Ellsworth Park Dam Removal Projects

Community and/or Species Focus:

 Stream communities

  1. Conduct fish, mussel, and macroinvertebrate​ surveys at 12 stations
  2. Conduct habitat quality assessments at 12 stations
  3. Collect seasonal water quality samples at 6 stations
  4. Collect tissues samples from the black redhorse fish species for genetic analyses
  1. ​Fish, mussel, and habitat assessment surveys were conducted twice per year for the first 2 years and once the last year
  2. Mussel surveys were conducted during only one year, pre-dam removal
  3. Water samples were collected 4 times per year at 3 sites per dam
  4. Preliminary genetic analyses results on the black redhorse species revealed 2 distinct species - black and golden redhorse - which were both originally thought to be only black redhorse

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): Further genetic analyses on the two species

Project Period: 2014 - 2018

Principle Investigator(s):

 Trent Thomas, Robert Colombo, Scott Meiners (Division of Fisheries, Eastern Illinois University) 

Final Report: