Wild About Illinois Orchids!
Fifty species of orchids grow in Illinois. Forty-nine of those species are native to the state. Currently (2022), 16 species of orchids are listed as endangered in Illinois, with two of those species being designated as federally threatened. One species of orchid is categorized as threatened in Illinois (as of 2022). Although orchids can be found throughout the state, most species are associated with particular habitat types, such as woods, prairies, bogs, fens, swamps and areas of moist, spongy soil. Orchid flowers develop singly, in clusters or on spikes. The flowers include a three-chambered ovary, three sepals, two petals on the side and a third petal that may be modified as a sac or lip and may have a spur.
The modified petal functions as a landing platform, a trap and/or an attractant for insects. The other two petals and the sepals often are similar in appearance. The stamens and style of orchids are fused into one structure. The leaves are entire and have parallel veins.
Family and Species Gallery
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Orchidales
Family: Orchidaceae
putty-root orchid (Aplectrum hyemale)
grass pink orchid (Calopogon tuberosus) [state endangered]
long-bracted orchid (Coeloglossum viride)
fall coral-root orchid (Corallorhiza odontorhiza)
spring coral-root orchid (Corallorhiza wisteriana)
small yellow lady's-slipper orchid (Cypripedium parviflorum) [state endangered]
showy lady’s-slipper orchid (Cypripedium reginae) [state endangered]
showy orchid (Galearis spectabilis)
rattlesnake-plantain orchid (Goodyera pubescens)
crested coral-root orchid (Hexalectris spicata) [state endangered]
twayblade orchid (Liparis liliifolia)
lesser twayblade orchid (Liparis loeselii)
adder’s-mouth orchid (Malaxis unifolia)
green orchid (Platanthera aquilonis)
wood orchid (Platanthera clavellata) [state endangered]
tubercled orchid (Platanthera flava) [state threatened]
green fringed orchid (Platanthera lacera)
snake-mouth orchid (Pogonia ophioglossoides)
nodding ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes cernua)
slender ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes gracilis)
yellow-lipped ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes lucida) [state endangered]
prairie ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes magnicamporum)
ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes ovalis)
little ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes tuberosa)
spring ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) [state endangered]
nodding pogonia (Triphora trianthophora)